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Ecological system, our two-phase continuous olive oil factory started operating in Aydın Söke district in November 2010. In our facility, which started to produce 100% cold-pressed olive oil with a daily capacity of 60 tons of olives, then added a second production line with the same capacity in the second year in order to produce high quality olive oil in boutique style by processing only ORGANIC CERTIFIED fresh OLIVES on a separate line, reaching a total olive processing capacity of 120 tons per day. Mold and bacteria-repellent epoxy coating is made on the floor and walls. An architectural design has been applied to protect the production area from harmful factors such as dust, microorganisms, sunlight and humidity.
In order to produce the highest quality olive oil possible, 2,500 decares of olive trees with 25,000 centuries-old olive trees

The maintenance of our ORGANIC CERTIFIED olive grove, the harvesting of the olives, their transport to the factory, production and filling in our factory are all done under our own control.

With a total of 650 square meters of indoor, 400 square meters of semi-closed and 3000 square meters of open space, our ecological system olive oil machine with a daily olive processing capacity of 120 tons and our 270 tons capacity stainless steel chrome-nickel, nitrogen-imprinted storage department, laboratory, semi-automatic filling and labeling units. We provide service. Our company has ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 22000:2005 and CONTROL UNION Organic certificates and continues its investments for quality and capacity increase.

Our aim is to produce olive oil of superior quality from the "Memecik" olives of the olive tree, which is the dominant vegetation of the South Aegean, concentrated in our region. We take the responsibility of the olive while it is still in the branch, in order not to compromise on quality.

We practice early harvesting with our specially trained staff and modern harvesting machines. In order to prevent the pole harvesting of the olive tree, which is our natural wealth, we have undertaken the responsibility of collecting the olives with our carefully selected battery harvesters that do not harm the trees both in our own olive groves and in the olive groves of our local farmers.

We grow the collected olives without leaving them for fermentation in sacks and without crushing them in 20 kg perforated crates within 6-12 hours at the latest. We never put the bottom olives together with the olives collected from the branch. In our two-phase ecological system machines, we apply genuine cold pressing at 27 degrees or less. We harvest early so that the delicious aroma unique to olives and the antioxidants in our olive oil are preserved at the highest level, we sift the olives before pressing as if they were table olives, and separate the stems and leaves, the olives that dry on the branch in summer and are crushed during harvest. Although it is difficult and costly, we never compromise on this process. Because the higher the olive oil contains polyphenols and other antioxidants, the more beneficial it is.

The quality oil obtained is taken into chemical and sensory evaluation in our laboratory, and after being categorized, it is transferred to our warehouses by special transport lines. In order to protect the product from air, heat and light contact, it is kept in a cool environment in summer and winter in our nitrogen-printed stainless chrome-nickel warehouses that are not exposed to sunlight. Pulp drainage and free acidity control are applied at regular intervals. After detailed analysis, our olive oil is delivered to the post-order filling and labeling unit to be delivered to the final consumer.

*********************** IMPORTANT TIP *******************

Almost everyone knows that anticorrosion is used to prevent the iron from rusting before painting. Free radicals and toxins also corrode our bodies. Antioxidants are necessary to prevent and destroy this.

There are many antioxidants, especially polyphenols and vitamin E, in olives and, therefore, olive oil. Early harvest, cold-pressed, low-acid olive oils that are produced, stored and bottled in a way that will be least affected by air and water contact, heat and light can contain these antioxidants at high rates.

In addition, polyphenols are not the same in every olive variety. Olives of the MEMECİK variety in Turkey are considered to be high polyphenol content. The bitterness felt in the mouth and the burning sensation in the throat are indicators of this.

SEROLIVA ORGANIK and SEROLIVA NATUREL olive oils are produced, stocked and bottled with this awareness and meticulousness and presented to you.





Certified by.


Our products are produced in accordance with the Organic Agriculture Law No. TC 5262 and the Regulation of Organic Agriculture No. TC 27676 Subject to the Law cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_




Oliva Food Industry Trade. Ltd Sti   Address: Sazlı mah. _cc781905-136bad5cf58d_ No. -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Söke AYDIN  Phone: 0256 554 64 67

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